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New rules of functioning of WUT during the pandemic

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Lifting the restrictions related to the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland also means changes at the Warsaw University of Technology. The present restrictions are laid down in Rector’s Regulation no. 110/2021 along with the changes introduced in Rector’s Regulation no. 25/2022, and the recommendations are included in Rector’s notice no. 2/2022.

Most important changes:

  • lifting the obligation of wearing masks in rooms and confined spaces at the University premises (wearing masks is recommended if people are in rooms where there is a large number of people and when there is a reasonable risk of infection, especially in case of exhibiting symptoms such as cold, cough or fever),
  • lifting the obligation to submit declarations by foreign guests visiting WUT,
  • returning to the standard procedures on organizing diploma examinations and completion of internships,
  • lifting the obligation of placing at the elevators the information (in Polish and English) on the rules of using lifts,
  • lifting the obligation of informing on isolation and quarantine (in connection with lifting the obligation to undergo isolation and quarantine).

Information and guidelines of the functioning of WUT during the pandemic can be found at pw.edu.pl/engpw/COVID-19.