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Success of a consortium with the participation of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering

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A project led by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology (or more precisely — the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics) was directed for funding in the POLNOR 2019 Call for Polish-Norwegian research projects. Moreover, this project received the highest rating in the Energy, transport and climate field.

MoReSiC (Modularized, Reconfigurable and Bidirectional Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles with Silicon Carbide Power Electronics) will consist in the development of a modular charging system for electric vehicles using silicon carbide (SiC) power device technology. The project leader is a university professor, Jacek Rąbkowski, Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng. from the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology.

The project will be carried out in cooperation with the partners: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim and Markel sp. z o.o., a company from Piaseczno near Warsaw.

It is known that the progressing electrification of transport, including passenger cars, is a challenge for the broadly understood charging infrastructure — not only high energy efficiency of the system is required, but also its reconfigurability depending on the needs. The charging station under development, with a three-wire direct current system, will be able to cooperate with a handy battery storage and, if necessary, return energy to the network. Plans are also being made to reduce the costs and complexity of the system by composing it from uniform subsystems based on SiC MOSFET transistors.

Supporting the development of young scientists, international exchange, as well as cooperation between university and industrial partners also constitute important aspects of the project.

The project will last three years and has a budget of PLN 5 million.

The POLNOR 2019 Call is part of the “Applied research” Programme implemented under the Norwegian Grants and the European Economic Area (EEA) Grants. The goal of the program is to improve the quality of research applied in Poland by strengthening science and research cooperation between Poland and Norway, developed on the basis of an equal partnership between Polish and Norwegian research organizations and enterprises.

The operator of the “Applied research” Programme is the National Centre for Research and Development.

In the POLNOR 2019 Call, projects could be submitted in six thematic areas: Welfare, health and care, Digital and industry, Energy, transport and climate, Food and natural resources, Social and economic development, Unmanned vehicles.
38 projects were submitted for co-financing.

The full results of the POLNOR 2019 Call are available on the NCBR website.