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WUT student with AIR Institute award

The photo of Zofia Wrona with the conference organisers

Zofia Wrona with the conference organisers

Zofia Wrona, student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, was awarded the second prize in the AIR Institute competition for her project presentation "Extended Green Cloud Simulator".

 – Extended Green Cloud Simulator is a multi-agent system that functions as a digital twin of cloud infrastructure in the research project of the company CloudFerro – explains Zofia Wrona. – It allows us to simulate dispersed cloud infrastructures whose servers use, among other things, renewable energy sources – she adds. 

The main role and aim of the implemented project is to test various system strategies, e.g., queuing cloud tasks, resource allocation or dealing with unexpected weather changes.

The student worked on the system already within her BSc project with Mikołaj Stańczyk and Piotr Witkiewicz. – Then it was just an agent simulator of a cloud system with green energy sources, and the work concentrated on self-adaptability – describes Zofia Wrona. – Implementation towards a digital twin and tool for strategy testing was the result of my further research – she says. The supervisor of her BSc thesis was Professor Marcin Paprzycki from the Polish Academy of Sciences, with whom the student cooperates to further develop the project.

So far two articles describing the system have been written. The first one is "Extended Green Cloud – Modeling Cloud Infrastructure with Green Energy Sources", whose authors include, in addition to our student and prof. Marcin Paprzycki, prof. Maria Ganzha from the PW Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science and Stanisław Krzyżanowski from the company CloudFerro. The second one – "Scalability of Extended Green Cloud Simulator" – will be published shortly.

The system was presented at the International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent System (PAAMS), concentrating on practical applications of agents and multi-agent systems, held on 12-14 July 2023 in Guimarães in Portugal.

– The demonstration included showing the live application and discussions with people interested in the project. The best presentations were chosen by conference participants in online voting – says Zofia Wrona.

The PAAMS conference has been organised for many years, always in a different location. This is its 21st edition.

– Generally, PAAMS is organised as a "co-located event", so at the same time and venue there are also other conferences on e.g., blockchain, dispersed computing or artificial intelligence or applications of computational biology and bioinformatics – explains Zofia Wrona. – This is great since you can talk to people and scientists participating in other conferences and thereby share knowledge in many fields, not only agent systems – she stresses.

AIR Institute, which awarded its prizes during the conference, is a private non-profit research organisation, the aim of which is to promote and further research in the field of computer science and artificial intelligence.