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Warsaw University of Technology in the QS EECA ranking

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The QS EECA (Emerging Europe and Central Asia) list has been published since 2014

In a ranking of the best academic institutions in emerging Europe and Central Asia, our university came in 14th place.

The list includes 450 universities (50 more than last year), including 27 from our country. Among Polish universities that ranked higher than the Warsaw University of Technology, was the Jagiellonian University (5th place) and the University of Warsaw (6th place). This means that WUT is the best Polish technical university in the ranking. At the same time, our University of Technology took first place (ex aequo with the University of Warsaw) in the criterion of employer reputation and the third place in the criterion of academic reputation.

This year's ranking is headed by Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia), Charles University (Czech Republic) and Saint-Petersburg State University (Russia).

The ranking is based on 10 criteria. These include: academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty/student ratio, papers per faculty, international research network, web impact, staff with a PhD, citations per paper, international faculty and international students.

The QS EECA (Emerging Europe and Central Asia) list has been published since 2014 The ranking is prepared by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), which specializes in education and foreign studies. It prepares a general list (QS World University Ranking) as well as a number of regional and thematic rankings.

The full results of the latest QS EECA chart are available on the Top Universities website