
SMART type remote control and supervision system

Opublikowano: 10/09/2015 8:51 am

The team from WUT’s Institute of Electrical Power Engineering has obtained permission from PSE S.A to use the new SMART remote control system for the automation devices operating in power-system substations. The creators of this link are: Mr. Ryszard Kowalik PhD, Mr. Marcin Januszewski PhD and Mr. Emil Bartosiewicz – the employees of the Department of Electrical Power Engineering Equipment and Automation.

Innovative fluid for bulletproof vests

Opublikowano: 08/09/2015 9:18 am

A team from WUT’s Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering under supervision of Prof. Marcin Leonowicz, together with the Military Institute of Armament Technology and the Institute of Security Technologies MORATEX in Łódź has been working on this invention as part of the Innovative Economy Programme –    “Smart passive body armour with application of rheological fluids with nano structures”  (SmartArmour) project.

The analysis and control of disparity for the realistic stereo visualisation

Opublikowano: 07/09/2015 9:55 am

Prof. Przemysław Rokita and his PhD student Łukasz Dąbała from the Computer Graphics Department at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, together with his colleagues from the Max Planck Institute and MIT,  worked on new methods of generating high quality stereoscopic images using original method of analysis and control of the disparity. This project was carried in the years 2012-2014.

PIKAOM new technologies in modern pathomorphological diagnosis

Opublikowano: 02/09/2015 4:01 pm

The team of associate professor Tomasz Markiewicz (Ph.D. D.Sc.) from WUT's Faculty of Electrical Engineering is working in a consortium together with the Military Institute of Medicine and the Nałęcz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences on the project entitled Web platform of the computerized microscopic image analysis for support the modern pathomorphological diagnosis.

Solutions for the Power Industry

Opublikowano: 02/09/2015 2:22 pm

Under the projects "4RES" and "ElGrid" carried out by Globema Ltd. in cooperation with the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, the staff of the Electrical Power Networks and Systems Division has developed innovative methods of calculation, optimization and forecasting.

House made out of earth by the scientists from the Faculty of Architecture

Opublikowano: 02/09/2015 11:10 am

On 7th December 2012, in the Eco-Park in Pasłęk there was a grand ceremony of putting into use a research building made of earth. The authors of the project are employed at WUT’s Faculty of Architecture. These are Prof. Teresa Kelm, Mr. Jerzy Górski PhD and Mr. Marek Kołłątaj.

Supercar - a compromise between esthetics and aerodynamics

Opublikowano: 07/08/2015 10:58 am


The Warsaw University of Technology has its contribution to the building of the first Polish supercar - Arrinera Hussarya. Team under the leadership of Prof. Janusz Piechna (Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering) took part in the aerodynamics tests and has been working on active systems of vehicle damping (Arrinera Automotive S.A. and the Warsaw University of Technology received 2 634 400 zł funding for this purpose from the National Centre for Research and Development).

Scanner for researching non-destructive composite parts strengthen with carbon fibre

Opublikowano: 13/07/2015 3:11 pm

The team of dr inż. Bartłomiej Salski from the Institute of Radioelectronics at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology has developed a new method of researching indestructible composite parts strengthened with carbon fibre which are widely used for building aircrafts, windmills and other devices which need to be light but of very good quality.

Methodology of risk assessment for the purpose of crisis management systems in the Republic of Poland.

Opublikowano: 09/07/2015 10:40 am

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism calls on all participating member states to implement a national methodology of risk assessment for the purpose of critical infrastructure protection. WUT’s Faculty of Management took part in the preparation of such a document.

SODAR 3D – scanning of the space

Opublikowano: 09/07/2015 10:23 am

The Radiolocation and Digital Signal Processing Students' Research Group at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology have designed a prototype device made to scan space using ultrasound imaging with a steered beam on a moving platform. It is a step towards creation of an autonomic robot which will be scanning space and creating maps of the surroundings on which it will move.

Robot will detect biological weapons

Opublikowano: 09/07/2015 10:03 am

Machines that replace humans in warfare is not just science-fiction anymore. The Warsaw University of Technology is participating in a project which makes this a reality.

WUT contribution to the Rosetta Mission

Opublikowano: 01/06/2015 11:59 am

Soon, for the first time in human history, the Philae lander module of the European Rosetta mission will commence geological research on the surface of it's destination comet. It will be penetrated by MUPUS, a lander of outstanding mechanical parameters, achieved thanks to a surface engineering method developed at WUT's Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering.

Reconstruction of the glider SL-1 Akar

Opublikowano: 12/05/2015 3:53 pm

As part of the official celebrations of 100 Years of the Revival of the Warsaw University of Technology, the Students Aviation Association established at The Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering had attempted to reconstruct a glider made at WUT years ago.

WUT’s flying target, PW- 61 up in the air soon

Opublikowano: 30/04/2015 1:26 pm

A team of researchers from WUT’s Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering is working on a conceptual and technical project of a flying target – named PW-61.

Compact holographic colour pico-projector

Opublikowano: 20/04/2015 1:37 pm

The first ever show of holographic projection animated in real time - Dr Michał Makowski leader of the project.

A group of reserchers from the Warsaw University of Technology are currently working on compact holographic colour pico-projector which will enable the projecting of slides, photos or films onto a wall or a piece of paper. The shows will be possible even in daylight and could last for hours. All you will need is a mobile phone with a fully-charged battery.

Artificial Bee

Opublikowano: 16/04/2015 2:27 pm

When rapeseed growers found out what the scientists from Warsaw University of Technology were working on, they a planted low-growing species of rapeseed in order to help them, and kept their fingers crossed for completing the invention as soon as possible.

Changing a Negative into Positive

Opublikowano: 16/04/2015 2:24 pm

An opponent runs up. He takes a swing and... he kicks our footballer in his shin as hard as he can. And how does the latter react? He does not feel a thing—that is how specialist pads currently being developed at Warsaw University of Technology are supposed to work.

Jean-Paul Larçon – Warsaw University of Technology Honoris Causa doctor

Opublikowano: 22/10/2012 12:33 pm

The celebration took place on 24 October 2012 in the Small Hall of the Warsaw University of Technology Main Building.

20th Anniversary of WUT BS

Opublikowano: 22/10/2012 12:30 pm

We have the great pleasure to inform you that on the 23rd and 24th of October we are going to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Warsaw University of Technology Business School.

Colloquium Lecture with Professor Kenneth Joel Shapiro

Opublikowano: 22/10/2012 12:16 pm

On 18 October 2012 at Warsaw University of Technology, professor Shapiro gave a lecture on ”The Social Construction of Animals in the Laboratory: The Protean Rodent”.

Central and eastern Europe make history with small satellites

Opublikowano: 13/02/2012 3:43 pm

The first satellites entirely designed and built by Hungary, Poland, Romania are now orbiting Earth after today’s successful maiden flight of ESA's small Vega launcher.

Eduniversal Masters Ranking 2012

Opublikowano: 01/02/2012 9:47 am

Eduniversal Masters Ranking 2012We are very proud to inform you that International MBA in Warsaw University of Technology Business School has been placed on the 1st position in Eastern Europe in Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking in General Management Category.

Seminar - The School for Nanotechnology and Materials Science and Engineering

Opublikowano: 19/01/2012 11:06 am

February 7, 2012 in the Main Building (the Small Hall of the Senate) of Warsaw University of Technology, will take place the Polish-Japanese Seminar, promoting the Japan Joint Graduate Program organized by the Warsaw University of Technology and the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS).

TOP MBA Ranking 2011

Opublikowano: 03/01/2012 2:37 pm

We are proud to inform you that in the latest TOP MBA Ranking 2011, MBA programmes launched in the WUT Business School have been placed on the 15th position among Top Business Schools in Europe.

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