
Warsaw University of Technology in the QS WUR: Europe 2024 ranking

Opublikowano: 23/10/2023 9:29 am

Photo of the interior of the Main Building of the Warsaw University of Technology

For the first time in the twenty years of the history of the QS ranking, run by the company QS Quacquarelli Symonds, they have drawn up a ranking concentrating on leading European universities. It covers 688 HEIs from 42 countries.

World’s TOP 2% Scientists 2022 Ranking

Opublikowano: 20/10/2023 11:48 am

A photo showing a light experiment in a physics laboratory

59 representatives of the Warsaw University of Technology were listed in the ranking World’s TOP 2% Scientists 2022, prepared by Stanford University in cooperation with Elsevier publishing house.

TOTORO mission ends successfully

Opublikowano: 20/10/2023 11:38 am

Photo of TOTORO team members with the device


Warsaw University of Technology joins the fight against malaria

Opublikowano: 19/10/2023 11:25 am

Photo of a mosquito on human skin

Malaria is one of the most frequent infectious diseases. Fighting against one of its variants is the purpose of an international research consortium PvSTATEM. WUT scientists have joined the work of the consortium.

WUT in the Times Higher Education ranking

Opublikowano: 19/10/2023 11:21 am

Photo of the facade of the WUT's Main Building

In this year’s edition, like last year, the Warsaw University of Technology was one of the institutions ranked 1201-1500. It should be noted that the number of points our University was awarded rose.

Christmas Grant 2023 for WUT students and doctoral students

Opublikowano: 09/10/2023 10:37 pm

A graphics promoting the Christmas Grant 2023

We invite our students and doctoral students to submit for the Christmas Grant 2023 – a special grant awarded to students and doctoral students at the Warsaw University of Technology involved in promoting the University and building its positive image. The grant is financed by the resources collected during the WUT Christmas Fair.

We have started the academic year 2023/2024

Opublikowano: 02/10/2023 6:07 pm

Photo presenting people who take part in the inauguration

Good luck to everyone!

Our students awarded in the architectural competition MICROHOME

Opublikowano: 02/10/2023 1:31 pm

Visualization of the project showing the inhabitants of the house preparing jam

The project of Faculty of Architecture students was awarded the third prize in the sixth edition of the competition MICROHOME. ”Gathering House” facilitates integration and makes contact with nature easier.

WUT students are working on new versions of their motorbike

Opublikowano: 29/09/2023 1:43 pm

Photo of the latest version of the motorcycle in action during training in Radom

The first serious chapter of the story opened in 2017, when a team was established to build a motorcycle for the MotoStudent competition. After six years of development, the WUT SiMR Racing Technology machine changed a lot, its creators gained experience and they may be proud of their successes. Today, their aim is to construct an electric motorbike - for the next edition of the MotoStudent competition, of course.

The first WUT rocket with a hybrid drive has been launched

Opublikowano: 29/09/2023 12:25 pm

Photo of the launch of the Twardowsky rocket

17 September 2023, 16.55 – we write this date down in our university calendar and tag it #spacewow. It was then when the successful flight of a rocket with a hybrid drive happened in the history of the Warsaw University of Technology. Twardowsky – as the machine is called – is the work of the Student Space Association.

Interactive guidebook for WUT first-years

Opublikowano: 27/09/2023 8:26 am

Graphic depicting eyes

We know that the first days of being a student may be hard. Everything is new, different, unknown. To make it easier, we have prepared WUT Starter – an online guidebook which will help you get to know the Warsaw University of Technology better, learn about student rights and obligations, and our IT systems.

Inauguration of the academic year 2023/2024

Opublikowano: 22/09/2023 11:59 am

Photo of the participants of the inauguration of the academic year 2022/2023 in the Main Hall in the Main Building of the Warsaw University of Technology

On October 2, 2023, at 10 AM, at the Main Building of WUT

20th KONIK Fair of Student Research Clubs and Student Organisations

Opublikowano: 22/09/2023 11:48 am

Graphics presenting a horse - a fragment of the visual identification of the KONIK Fair

How do WUT students pursue their passions outside of class? You can find this out on 10 and 11 October 2023 from 10 am to 4 pm in the Main Building of the Warsaw University of Technology. Join us at the jubilee edition of the KONIK Fair!

WUT scientists shed new light on the nature of matter

Opublikowano: 21/09/2023 4:04 pm

Photo of dr Przemysław Dzięgielewski (in the background) and prof. Jerzy Antonowicz working at Diamond Light Source

Dr Przemysław Dzięgielewski and prof. Jerzy Antonowicz from the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology had a fruitful visit to Didcot, UK – the location of one of the most modern synchrotron facilities in the world.

Our graduates are the best robot integrators in Europe

Opublikowano: 21/09/2023 2:07 pm

Photo of Hubert Krasuski and Piotr Wyrzyk with Polish flag

Hubert Krasuski and Piotr Wyrzyk, graduates of the Warsaw University of Technology, won the EuroSkills Gdańsk 2023 competition in the "Integration of industrial robots" category.

Candidates to the WUT Doctoral School, check the ranking lists

Opublikowano: 14/09/2023 12:42 pm

Photo of the group of students sitting on the stairs in the WUT Main Building

The ranking lists of candidates to the Doctoral School of the Warsaw University of Technology are available. Now candidates are obliged to admit required documents until September 20, 2023.

A WUT idea wins the Polish edition of the James Dyson award

Opublikowano: 14/09/2023 8:27 am

Photo of the members of the pd meds team leaning over the table

An innovative system for pulmonary rehabilitation won the national level of the international technological competition organised by the James Dyson Foundation. The winning solution is the work of the team pd meds, comprising mainly young scientists connected with the Warsaw University of Technology.

Two rovers from WUT at the European Rover Challenge

Opublikowano: 11/09/2023 8:31 am

Photo of the SKA Robotics and the KNR Rover Team rovers

The KNR Rover Team from the Robotics Science Club and SKA Robotics from the Student Astronautical Club will take part in one of the largest international competitions for creators of Mars rovers. What have the teams from the Warsaw University of Technology prepared?

Cooperation with Ningbo University of Technology

Opublikowano: 11/09/2023 8:22 am

Photo of Vice-Rector for Research Prof. Mariusz Malinowski, Rector Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, and the Director of the Centre for International Cooperation Grzegorz Robak sitting by the table

Initiatives related to research, education and human resources are the main areas of joint activities included in the agreement concluded by the two universities.

NaNoLens – see more, more precisely, faster

Opublikowano: 05/09/2023 12:21 pm

Photo of Professor Maciej Trusiak in the laboratory

Lensless holographic microscopy opens up completely new possibilities of imaging live cells. In the project NaNoLens it will be used by Professor Maciej Trusiak from the Faculty of Mechatronics of the Warsaw University of Technology. For his research he was awarded the ERC Starting Grant. 

Sewage heat will heat WUT buildings?

Opublikowano: 30/08/2023 10:19 am

Photo of a person in a white protective suit entering a sewer manhole and a person in a yellow suit standing beside

Scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology want to use thermal energy from sewage to heat some University buildings. It is an important move towards circular economy.

2D electronics on an industrial scale?

Opublikowano: 30/08/2023 9:52 am

A graphic depicting 2D material structures

Another important step forward in 2D materials research. Working in an international team of researchers, Jakub Sitek, PhD, from the PW Faculty of Physics, developed a new method which opens up the way to mass production of 2D materials based devices. The results of the team’s research were published in "ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces".

Research on steel for thermonuclear reactors

Opublikowano: 30/08/2023 8:16 am

Photo of a nuclear power plant

The National Science Centre has published the results of the SONATINA 7 competition. Its winners include a researcher from the Warsaw University of Technology.

WUT research results in a renowned chemical journal

Opublikowano: 28/08/2023 9:09 am

Photo of the response of the developed nanoadsorbent to application of a neodyme magnet

A scientific article authored by researchers from the Faculty of Chemistry was published in "Chemical Communications" from the first decile of journals (200 points). The article presents research on a solution for removal of toxic caesium from aqueous solutions.

Warsaw University of Technology in Shanghai Ranking

Opublikowano: 28/08/2023 9:04 am

Photo of the WUT Main Building

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