
DoorCE – WUT to be the leader of an international project

Opublikowano: 01/07/2024 11:44 am

In June, the kick-off of the DoorCE project took place. The project aims to build an ecosystem for Public Open Data tailored to the conditions of Central Europe and accessible to all, even the smallest public administration units. The project includes 10 partners from 7 countries, with the Warsaw University of Technology acting as the leader. The project team is headed by Prof. Michał Śmiałek from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology.

Energy independence in your home

Opublikowano: 27/06/2024 10:51 am

In the photo, project leader Olaf Dybiński, PhD, on stage during the LIDER XIV project gala

Imagine being able to generate electricity and heat for your own needs, no longer relying on the power grid. Olaf Dybiński, PhD, from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) aims to develop and build such a system.

Winners of DemoDay in the Tech-Athon 2023 competition announced

Opublikowano: 27/06/2024 10:39 am

In the photo, a group of people - participants of DemoDay at the Center for Advanced Materials and Technologies (CEZAMAT) of the Warsaw University of Technology

We have completed the final stage of developing technological solutions devised by doctoral students of the Warsaw University of Technology. The prize of PLN 120,000 for further development was awarded to the project that uses simple tools and gamification to aid respiratory therapy, created by the pd meds team.

HarSval – Polish-Norwegian research cooperation in Svalbard

Opublikowano: 27/06/2024 10:35 am

In the photo, GNSS reference stations operating at the Polish Polar Station Hornsund, managed by the Warsaw University of Technology team

The Polish-Norwegian project HarSval, carried out by the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography at the Warsaw University of Technology (WGIK WUT), aims to strengthen bilateral relations between Norway and Poland, expand partner networks and the scope of current research activities, and ensure the transfer of knowledge, technology, and best practices. It is funded by the EEA grant and Norwegian Funds 2014-2021 under the Basic Research Program.

Polish runner-up in the best student startup competition

Opublikowano: 25/06/2024 9:46 am

In the photo, the Zaklepuje.To team, second-place winners of the Enactus Poland National Competition

The project won second place in the competition for the best business project at the Enactus Poland National Competition. The kayaking trip search and booking system was created by students of the Warsaw University of Technology. The final of the competition took place on June 5 at the Kinoteka in Warsaw.

A rapid fire detection and suppression system for airports

Opublikowano: 25/06/2024 9:41 am

In the photo, the creators of the Emergency Guard System project standing in front of the Main Building of the Warsaw University of Technology

The Emergency Guard System (EGS) project is the creation of the Student Research Group of Air Transport from the Faculty of Transport at the Warsaw University of Technology. Thanks to this idea, our team took second place in the AviaTech Challenge 2024 Aviation Hackathon.

Warsaw University of Technology rises in QS WUR Ranking

Opublikowano: 25/06/2024 9:30 am

In the photo, the interior of the Main Building of the Warsaw University of Technology

The results of the latest edition of the QS World University Ranking 2025 have been released. The Warsaw University of Technology has achieved a ranking of 527th (previous year: 571st). This is the highest position among Polish technical universities and third among the 22 institutions from our country listed in QS WUR (1. University of Warsaw, 2. Jagiellonian University).

PhD at WUT? Take part in the admissions proceedings!

Opublikowano: 08/06/2024 2:19 pm

In the picture, two people are sitting by a computer and a microscope

Registration is open until 26 July

Opening of the new section of the Aviation and Space Research Centre

Opublikowano: 05/06/2024 10:35 am

In the photo, a group of people cutting a ribbon - the symbolic opening of the northern part of OBLot center

For several years, the Warsaw University of Technology has been developing its research and development base related to aviation and space in Sierakowo near Przasnysz. Now, the OBLot center officially consists of two parts: the unmanned (southern, opened in 2022) and the new manned (northern, opened on May 28, 2024).

Piotr Falkowski, the Winner of the "Young Promoter of Poland" Contest

Opublikowano: 05/06/2024 9:07 am

In the photo, Piotr Falkowski with a nominee diploma in the "Young Promoter of Poland" Contest

A specialist in rehabilitation robotics and an implementation, a PhD student at the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements PIAP and Warsaw University of Technology, has won the main prize in the Scientific Activity category of the "Young Promoter of Poland" contest.

Julia Wilk wins the Student Nobel

Opublikowano: 05/06/2024 9:00 am

In the photo, Julia Wilk with a statuette and a check at the Student Nobel competition

A student from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology has won the 2024 Student Nobel in the Technical Sciences category. The results were announced during the gala held on May 25th.

Discover the secrets of the Universe. CERN exhibition at WUT

Opublikowano: 05/06/2024 8:54 am

In the photo, a part of the "Accelerating Science" exhibition

Starting with Big Bang, through the fascinating world of matter, antimatter and elementary particles, as well as the greatest modern experiments done with the Large Hadron Collider, we invite you to a trip through the CERN universe – to a multimedia exhibition Accelerating Science devoted to the European Organisation for Nuclear Research.

Their bridge has conquered the world

Opublikowano: 23/05/2024 9:22 am

In the photo, students from the Bridge Engineers’ Student Research Group

The team from the Bridge Engineers’ Student Research Group (operating at the Faculty of Civil Engineering) took the second place in an international steel bridge competition Design and Construct Steel Bridge Competition (DE&CO) 2024, which was held in Turkey on 6–10 May.

Warsaw University of Technology Open Day 2024

Opublikowano: 23/05/2024 9:08 am

The graphic depicts an eye and a magnifying glass

Stands of Faculties, projects of student research groups, sightseeing of the University, conversations – these are the highlights of the event for everyone interested in studying at WUT. Come on the 25th of May from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.! Entrance is free.

Final Conference and Industrial Event for the NL4XAI European Project

Opublikowano: 21/05/2024 12:47 pm

A graphics presenting artificial intelligence

The first generation of experts on Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Europe is about to arise as the NL4XAI research project comes to an end. Funded under the EU's Horizon 2020 programme to train eleven PhD candidates, this European consortium announces its final conference and industrial event, scheduled to take place on 24 May 2024 at the DesignLab of the University of Twente, The Netherlands.

Admission for October 2024 is open

Opublikowano: 17/05/2024 4:38 pm

A photo of the students

Come and study at the Warsaw University of Technology!

M-ERA.NET Call 2023 – three projects with WUT scientists

Opublikowano: 15/05/2024 2:40 pm

In the photo, various types of batteries

Our researchers will participate in three international projects on materials science and engineering. Funding will be provided by the National Science Centre.

An idea for cleaner air in Berlin

Opublikowano: 15/05/2024 2:35 pm

In the photo, members of the band

Our students took part in the Data4Good hackathon. They created an app to help reduce pollutant emissions in Berlin.

A passenger aircraft simulator created at WUT

Opublikowano: 13/05/2024 5:20 pm

A photo of Pilot Captain Jacek Mainka, Dr Maciej Zasuwa and Ambassador Mark Brzezinski who are standing by the new simulator

The Simulator Laboratory at the Warsaw University of Technology has acquired another piece of equipment that will help students gain knowledge about aircraft design and construction.

Innovative pilot line at WUT

Opublikowano: 13/05/2024 5:17 pm

A photo of the CEZAMAT WUT Laboratory of Semiconductor Technologies

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WUT students’ success in an international competition

Opublikowano: 24/04/2024 9:44 am

In the photo, the SAE AeroDesign team along with the airplanes is depicted

Learn more

WUT in the international QS ranking by subject

Opublikowano: 24/04/2024 9:39 am

The device in the laboratory is shown in the photo

The Warsaw University of Technology is once again one of the best universities in the world in the QS World University Rankings by Subject.

On the road to climate neutrality

Opublikowano: 12/04/2024 10:12 am

In the photo, participants of the kick-off meeting of the ENCASE project in Oslo

In an effort to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the ENCASE consortium is researching and developing technologies for carbon capture and storage. Scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology are involved in the work.

Opening of the Clean Energy Technologies Training Centre

Opublikowano: 12/04/2024 9:41 am

In the photo, participants of the inauguration of the Regional Clean Energy Training Centre

Training staff and developing competences necessary for the growth of the nuclear sector and the implementation of nuclear projects in Poland – these are the main goals of the Polish-American unit, whose activity was officially inaugurated on 3 April 2024 at the Warsaw University of Technology.

ERC grant for a researcher from WUT

Opublikowano: 11/04/2024 3:25 pm

In the picture, there are four people in the laboratory

Prof. Thomas Skotnicki has been awarded a prestigious ERC Advanced grant

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