
ENHANCE Alliance welcomes three new member universities

Opublikowano: 25/11/2022 4:21 pm

Photo of the high-ranked representatives of all ten member universities of ENHANCE Alliance

TU Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland) and ETH Zurich (Switzerland) join the ENHANCE Alliance on its journey towards a European University. The ENHANCE Alliance includes the Warsaw University of Technology.

WUT graduate has become an astronaut

Opublikowano: 24/11/2022 10:37 am

Photo of Pablo Álvarez Fernández

From the Warsaw University of Technology to space? It’s possible! Pablo Álvarez Fernández, who graduated from our university, is one of the astronauts selected by the European Space Agency.

New doctor honoris causa of WUT

Opublikowano: 21/11/2022 9:13 pm

Photo of prof. M. Stanley Whittingham and the WUT Rector prof. Krzysztof Zaremba

Prof. M. Stanley Whittingham – a world-renowned chemist, co-founder of lithium-ion battery technology and 2019 Nobel Prize winner was awarded a honoris causa doctorate from the Warsaw University of Technology. This is a token of appreciation for the contribution of the researcher in the development of science and its practical use.

Nobel Prize winner in chemistry will give an open lecture at WUT

Opublikowano: 17/11/2022 1:54 pm

Photo of Professor M. Stanley Whittingham

Professor M. Stanley Whittingham will talk about the role of energy storage in the context of electric economy and climate change. The lecture will take place on 22 November 2022 at 14:15 in the Hall of the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology. Attendance is free of charge.

WUT Christmas Market 2022

Opublikowano: 16/11/2022 9:33 pm

Graphics promoting the WUT Christmas Market 2022

1-3 December, 10.00-18.00

Nobel Prize winner visits Warsaw University of Technology

Opublikowano: 16/11/2022 9:30 pm

Photo of Prof. M. Stanley Whittingham on the background of the Main Hall in the WUT Main Building

Prof. M. Stanley Whittingham will visit our University on November 21-22, 2022

James Dyson chooses a smart dressing from WUT

Opublikowano: 16/11/2022 9:24 pm

Photo of Piotr Walter, MSc. Eng., Dominik Baraniecki, MSc. Eng. and Tomasz Raczyński, MSc. Eng.

SmartHEAL, a smart dressing created by graduates and currently PhD students, won the James Dyson Award competition. The solution is to help heal chronic wounds.

Registration for master's degree studies staring in February 2023

Opublikowano: 16/11/2022 12:32 pm

Photo of the students standing in the Main Building

Join our students!

WUT students build the future of sustainable transport

Opublikowano: 04/11/2022 9:35 am

Photo of the winning team from the Faculty of Chemistry

A students team from the Faculty of Chemistry has won the competition ”Drive Innovation – Future of Sustainable Transport”. They have proposed limitation of exhaust fumes with the use of third-generation PV cells.

WUT in the Times Higher Education by Subject ranking

Opublikowano: 04/11/2022 9:04 am

Photo of the WUT Main Building

The Warsaw University of Technology has been ranked in four fields of the international ranking THE by Subject 2023. These are: Computer Science, Engineering, Physical Sciences, and Business and Economics.

Research at WUT takes the astronautics’ world by storm

Opublikowano: 28/10/2022 11:15 am

Photo of people from the Warsaw University of Technology standing by the inscription IAC 2022

Our students, doctoral students and WUT staff have been developing space projects for years. They shared the results of their latest works during the 73rd International Astronautical Congress. Representatives of the University of Technology talked about rockets, Earth exploration, communication and power systems in space and an interesting use of artificial intelligence.

WUT student’s idea will help in creating maps based on satellite images

Opublikowano: 28/10/2022 10:55 am

Photo of Szymon Bogus on the background of the project's presentation at the International Astronautical Congress

The widespread use of cars poses a challenge in organizing traffic in cities. It also makes it difficult to work on maps created from satellite pictures. Szymon Bogus from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology has found a solution to this problem. Artificial Intelligence has turned out to be the key to success.

Involved in the construction of the elementary particle accelerator

Opublikowano: 28/10/2022 9:24 am

Photo of Prof. Hanna Zbroszczyk from the Faculty of Physics at the Warsaw University of Technology, Prof. Mariusz Malinowski – Vice-Rector for Research at the WUT, Prof. Paolo Giubellino – the director of FAIR/GSI, Dr. Pradeep Ghosh – coordinator of the Get_involved program at FAIR / GSI

In the German city of Darmstadt, a device is being constructed that will help in the study of matter and the evolution of the universe. Thanks to the Get_involved internship program, our students, postgraduates, and researchers will participate in the international project.

The most cited researchers in the world

Opublikowano: 28/10/2022 8:51 am

Photo of the WUT Main Building

Our researchers in the World's TOP 2% Scientists 2021 ranking

An idea for how to support the health care system

Opublikowano: 21/10/2022 6:59 pm

Photo of Oliwia Makowiecka, Igor Anczykowski, Jakub Sobolewski, Mateusz Szczęsny and Dr Karolina Maria Nowak of the Medical Research Agency

A drug management system developed by students of Warsaw University of Technology won the e-Health Hackathon programming marathon.

Cross-sector talks on the construction of a Polish battery factory

Opublikowano: 21/10/2022 1:58 pm

Photo of the participants of the talks at the Faculty of Chemistry at Warsaw University of Technology

The idea of building a factory in Poland to produce sodium-ion batteries was discussed during a meeting at the Warsaw University of Technology by representatives of the government, science and business.

Mechatronics students receive awards at WorldSkills

Opublikowano: 21/10/2022 12:27 pm

Photo of Przemysław Rył and Kamil Kwiatkowski

After last year’s victory in the national eliminations, Kamil Kwiatkowski and Przemysław Rył from the Faculty of Mechatronics participated in the world final of the WorldSkills competition in Stuttgart. Our students were awarded the “Medallion of Excellence”.

WUT at the head of a project investigating hate speech and fake news

Opublikowano: 14/10/2022 8:28 am

Photo of the man who is reading information on the tablet

Read more about the research

Our representative on the ITA AITES Exectutive Council

Opublikowano: 14/10/2022 8:17 am

Photo of dr Monika Mitew-Czajewska

Dr Monika Mitew-Czajewska of the Faculty of Civil Engineering was selected as member of the Executive Council of the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association for the term 2022-2025.

Christmas Grant for WUT students and doctoral students

Opublikowano: 12/10/2022 11:20 am

A graphics promoting the Christmas Grant 2022

We invite our students and doctoral students to submit for the Christmas Grant 2022 – a special grant awarded to students and doctoral students at the Warsaw University of Technology involved in promoting the University and building its positive image. The grant is financed by the resources collected during the WUT Christmas Fair.

The meeting of technical University rectors from Kyiv and Warsaw

Opublikowano: 05/10/2022 4:37 pm

Photo of Prof. Włodzimierz Kurnik, Prof. Mychailo Zgurovsky and Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba

Prof. Mychailo Zgurovsky, Rector of the National Technical University of Ukraine – the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, visited our university. He met the current WUT Rector, Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba and the WUT Recor for the years 2005-2012, Prof. Włodzimierz Kurnik.

A new way to design medicine

Opublikowano: 05/10/2022 4:34 pm

Image showing designed molecules at the protein binding site

A team from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Warsaw University of Technology has developed a new medicine design procedure that can be applied when there is little experimental data available on the molecular mechanisms of a disease or ways to treat it. The developed procedure is the result of the work of student Stanisław Kulczyk and associate professor Dr. Mariola Koszytkowska-Stawińska.

The Ambassador of Rwanda visited our University

Opublikowano: 05/10/2022 4:27 pm

Photo of WUT Rector Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba and the Ambassador of Rwanda to Poland Prof. Anastase Shyaka

Prof. Anastase Shyaka, the Ambassador of Rwanda to Poland, met the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology, Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, and the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, Prof. Władysław Wieczorek. It was a special visit as Mr. Ambassador is a graduate of WUT.

Materials engineering in the spotlight

Opublikowano: 05/10/2022 9:05 am

A photo of participants in the Main Hall during the E-MRS 2022 conference

Nearly a thousand participants from over 50 countries came to the Warsaw University of Technology for the E-MRS 2022 Fall Meeting conference where the latest developments and trends in materials science were presented during lectures, workshops and exhibitions.

The Ambassador of India visits Warsaw University of Technology

Opublikowano: 05/10/2022 8:48 am

Photo of WUT Rector, Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, and the Ambassador of India to Poland and Lithuania, Nagma M. Mallick

Teaching and research cooperation – these were the main topics raised during the meeting between the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba and the Ambassador of India to the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Lithuania, Nagma M. Mallick.

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