Opublikowano: 13/10/2021 8:22 am
Each year, around 185 thousand people worldwide undergo amputation. It is estimated that this number will double by 2050. A team from the Warsaw University of Technology is working on a universal and cheap hand prosthesis, the elements of which would be replaceable and could "grow" with the user.
Opublikowano: 12/10/2021 3:24 pm
We would like to invite you to take part in the Language Tandem Kick-Off Meeting. During the meeting, we will present the project and explain how it works.
Opublikowano: 11/10/2021 11:03 am
WUT Foreign Language Center – as a partner in an international consortium – was granted the funding from the Erasmus+ programme to develop an innovative model for teaching English at the tertiary level.
Opublikowano: 08/10/2021 8:14 am
One of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world - "Nature" - published an article by prof. Mariusz Zdrojek from the Faculty of Physics. Our researcher was invited by the editor to comment on groundbreaking research on heat management in layered materials.
Opublikowano: 08/10/2021 8:03 am
As part of the project carried out with LOTOS Asfalt, the Faculty of Civil Engineering is developing an asphalt binder technology that will allow the reuse of materials from road renovation.
Opublikowano: 04/10/2021 1:04 pm
Two weeks of creative work, 33 students from all universities involved in the Enhance consortium and joint efforts in order to define the problems related to the climate change – this summarizes the core of the ENHANCE Summer School on Climate Change organized by Warsaw University of Technology.
Opublikowano: 29/09/2021 12:36 pm
1 October, 10.00
Opublikowano: 14/09/2021 3:05 pm
It enables you to portray real objects in an unreal way. Sometimes these are but subtle changes, quite invisible at first glance. However, the obtained result might defy common sense and well-established physical laws. We are talking about geometrive – a technique originated by Marek Sutkowski, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology.
Opublikowano: 13/09/2021 3:13 pm
Register for the keynote lectures opening the "Green Campus" project.
Opublikowano: 07/09/2021 3:49 pm
The Rector's announcement on education and work in the coming semester has been published. We predict that education (in all forms) will be conducted in the mixed-mode, which means remote classes for large lecture and seminar groups and in-person classes in all other cases. At the same time, all employees shall resume the standard mode of work (remote work for an employee is possible only in specific individual cases). Information on the new academic year is included in the Rector's Notice No. 2/2021.
Opublikowano: 07/09/2021 3:39 pm
Scientists from the WUT Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science are working on improving identification of pathological changes visible in lung CT scans and x-rays. The project will aid doctors and patients.
Opublikowano: 30/08/2021 1:31 pm
In the first edition of the competition for young engineers, one of the winning projects was XTRUDE ZERO completed by Mike Ryan, a WUT student of biomedical engineering and Aleksander Trakul from the University of Edinburgh.
Opublikowano: 10/08/2021 11:14 am
Once again, members of the KNE Power Engineers Student Research Group, operating with the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, enjoy success in the National Power Engineering Competition.
Opublikowano: 10/08/2021 11:09 am
The electric bolide of the team Proton Dynamic is on the podium!
Opublikowano: 02/08/2021 2:03 pm
In the second half of July, the Swiss mountain Pilatus turned into a space colony, where students from all over the world tested solutions prepared for the IGLUNA project. Among them were young researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology - the creators of the plant breeding module in unfavorable conditions.
Opublikowano: 02/08/2021 10:37 am
From 15-28 September, the Warsaw University of Technology will host the "Green Campus - ENHANCE Summer School on Climate Change".
Opublikowano: 30/07/2021 6:48 pm
The Language Tandems within the ENHANCE Alliance is a project for students, doctoral candidates, academic and administrative staff that aims to enhance language learning via a language exchange method and enables participants to make new contacts within the ENHANCE community. Register now!
Opublikowano: 28/07/2021 3:29 pm
The Balloon Section of the Student Astronaut Club operating at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering has joined an experiment that aims to check the impact of extreme conditions on the quality of triticale seeds, among other things.
Opublikowano: 27/07/2021 4:00 pm
Students at the Warsaw University of Technology have created Chefs’ – an app for easy management of recipes. Currently, they are developing a new module facilitating meal analysis.
Opublikowano: 26/07/2021 12:09 pm
Terahertz high screening properties and the ability to transfer information are among the features that generate interest in the world of science. Researchers at the Warsaw University of Technology are constantly increasing their contribution to creating innovative solutions utilising those advantages.
Opublikowano: 26/07/2021 12:06 pm
Damian Czykier (graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering) and Szymon Pośnik (student at the Faculty of Mechatronics) are in the Polish team at the most important sports event in the world.
Opublikowano: 07/07/2021 10:27 am
The Innspace team, formed, among others, by one of our students, reached the finals of the international Student Aerospace Challenge competition. The team was awarded the Suborbital Day Special Prize for its work on radiation protection for passengers of a suborbital plane.
Opublikowano: 06/07/2021 8:32 am
The SZURAD short-range noise radar demonstrator took the second place in a competition organized by portal-mundurowy.pl.
Opublikowano: 06/07/2021 8:19 am
Three hives have appeared at the Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies CEZAMAT to support the bee population. The university apiary was created thanks to a project submitted to the WUT Participatory Budget.