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Let us summarise 2021

A graphic symbolizing the end of the year

A new year and new challenges lie ahead of us

Another 12 months of study and work, the related tasks, goals, challenges and successes are all behind us. How did the Warsaw University of Technology fare in 2021? Let's reminisce together!

Science next to us

Last year, our researchers repeatedly impressed us with the results of their work. Medicine, climate protection, new technologies, and materials - these are just some examples of areas where we can see their efforts.

Engineering and medicine? Absolutely: teams from the Warsaw University of Technology worked on, among other things, a COVID-19 vaccine, modular hand prosthesis, cancellous bone implants, and the use of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of lung diseases, and also the prevention of premature births.

WUT researchers were involved in projects related to sustainable development and concern over climate. They studied eco-pea coal, responded to the revision of global air quality guidelines, co-authored the "Climate ABC" textbook, and were among the experts chosen to the Climate Council at the UN Global Compact Network Poland and the Council for Environment, Energy and Natural Resources. The Warsaw University of Technology also joined an international project aimed at preventing forest fires.

Work on new energy storage systems, innovative composite materials, and road construction solutions was also underway in 2021. Effective energy management, as well as ecological and economical transportation, not only with the electro- prefix, are definitely something that not only drivers but also everyone concerned about environmental protection is interested in.

Space projects

Engineers at WUT remain down-to-earth, but their ideas reach far, sometimes even to the stars. Examples? Here they are:

In 2021, we were thrilled with the successful mission completion of our second student satellite, PW-Sat2, as well as the progress made on its successor, PW-Sat3.

Students from the Warsaw University of Technology sent seeds to the stratosphere and designed a module for growing plants in lunar conditions. We also had a representative (as the only Polish university) in the European Space Agency's Fly a Rocket program and the Innspace team, which developed radiation protection for passengers of a suborbital plane that was recognized in an international competition.

We develop ideas

We are thrilled when the concepts developed at the University of Technology are implemented. Last year, we kept a close eye on the Chefs' app, the Eco Bean startup, and the Comixify platform, among other things. The success in the competition for the development of post-industrial areas in the Czech city of Nachod did not escape our attention.

We were equally interested in the work on the ideas distinguished in the Student Research Clubs create innovations competition, the Student Constructions Competition KOKOS, and the James Dyson Award competition.

We are awaiting the development of projects that have received funding under The National Center for Research and Development and The National Science Centre programs.

We are proficient in many fields

2021 proved that we have brilliant engineers at Warsaw University of Technology, but it also brought successes in other fields.

Athletes provided us with a lot of emotions. During the Olympic Games in Tokyo, our student Szymon Pośnik (together with his friends from the rowing crew) came close to a medal - he finished fourth, and WUT graduate Damian Czykier ran in the Olympic semi-finals for the second time in his career. It does not stop here. The upcoming Olympics will feature a Warsaw University of Technology student, speed skater Marek Kania, who will compete in Beijing.

We also experienced joyous moments thanks to the jubilee – 70th – rowing eights race of the Warsaw University of Technology and the University of Warsaw. Our representatives won for the 12th time in a row.

Athletes from Warsaw University of Technology performed well at the Polish Academic Championships as well. Medals were given to skiers, swimmers, athletes, judokas, and bridge players.

Our artistic teams had a successful year as well. The Song and Dance Ensemble of the Warsaw University of Technology, celebrating its 70th anniversary this year, received the Grand Prix of the Golden Dance festival. Meanwhile, the WUT Academic Choir won the first place in the category of Amateur Secular Choirs at the International Festival of Orthodox Church Music.

WUT helps

At the University of Technology, we remembered those in need, especially during this difficult time of the pandemic. We played with the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity and joined the Noble Gift (Szlachetna Paczka). Thanks to the dedication and commitment of our community, we also provided students and Warsaw schools with computer equipment - essential for remote learning.

In December, during the WUT Christmas Fair, we raised over 27,000 PLN for a Christmas tree Scholarship - all funds will go to our talented and active students and postgraduates.


A new year and new challenges lie ahead of us. Year 2022, come! We're ready!