Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering
Founded in: 1915
Professor Maciej Chaczykowski
Main scope of research:
Our activity covers the issues of natural environment protection – of the atmosphere, water, earth surface and elements of live nature, national management of environmental resources, ecological aspects of energy generation and consumption. We also study the environment inhabited by the human – the environment of residential areas and closed spaces, as well as technical means ensuring functioning of the environment: infrastructure of urban areas, installations and technologies for heat comfort, water supply, wastewater disposal and waste management, construction and maintenance of hydrotechnical structures. We also conduct research of more fundamental character – in the field of environmental physics, environmental chemistry, environmental biology, as well as chosen areas of mathematics supporting these sciences.
00-653 Warsaw, ul. Nowowiejska 20,
tel. 22-234-74-25, 22-234-54-06
e-mails: dziekan.wibhis@pw.edu.pl, biuro.dziekana.wibhis@pw.edu.pl