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The house of light won the architectural competition

Opublikowano: 14/02/2022 9:10 am

Visualization of the project The house of light

Paulina Górecka and Paulina Pawlikowska, architecture graduates of Wrocław University of Science and Technology and Warsaw University of Technology, won the first place in the international Hangar Ticinum competition. The former seaplane hangar in Pavia, Italy, can be given a second life thanks to their design.

The application will help you navigate around WUT

Opublikowano: 14/02/2022 9:03 am

Photo showing arrows on the path and shoes

It's here! – perhaps such a message will be heard by the users of the application that will make it easier to navigate in the five buildings of the Warsaw University of Technology. Its concept was created by University employees, taking into account in particular the needs of people with disabilities.

An Italian town designed by WUT students

Opublikowano: 14/02/2022 8:46 am

Colors of Elini project

Julia Bujak, Maria Paczóska, Ezgi Sopaoglu, and Aleksandra Warowna from the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology proposed changes in Elini – a small village in Sardinia. They received a distinction for their concept in the international Culture Stations competition, organized by the Young Architects Competitions platform.

WUT and EXATEL are working on solutions for 6G technology

Opublikowano: 11/02/2022 8:59 am

Symbolic photo of the network

The joint project "Fast wireless optical transmission for secure communication" has received funding from the National Center for Research and Development, and will be carried out under the Poland - Berlin / Brandenburg cooperation.

A new concept for observing space objects

Opublikowano: 11/02/2022 8:51 am

Photo of professor Konrad Jędrzejewski

Our researchers have created a solution that will not require the use of specialized transmitters. However, it will allow for quick and precise determination of the position of space stations, satellites, high-speed rockets or even junk collection.

How does photonics help in cancer diagnostics?

Opublikowano: 08/02/2022 8:21 am

Photo of the microscope and hands putting the pan for analysis

Specialists from Belgium and Poland are working on a platform that will detect cancer at a very early stage. For this they use the unique properties of light and carbon nanomaterials. Researchers from the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology are involved in the project.

Extraordinary balloon mission of WUT students

Opublikowano: 01/02/2022 1:40 pm

The team from Student Space Association has qualified for the international BEXUS competition

The Year of Wolfke, Part 1. The precursor of television

Opublikowano: 01/02/2022 1:18 pm

Photo of Professor Mieczysław Wolfke

He knew Nobel laureates, but he never received this prestigious award himself. Many people believe he deserved it. Yet, it took several years for his bold ideas to be appreciated and developed. Perhaps this is why Mieczysaw Wolfke, a scientist and inventor affiliated with Warsaw University of Technology, is still a lesser-known figure. It is time to change it.

Secrets of honey from our apiary

Opublikowano: 26/01/2022 9:40 am

Photo of the person who is holding the Rector's Honey jar

For a few months now, we have had our own beehives at the Warsaw University of Technology. Thanks to the work of the bees that live there and the beekeeper looking after them we now have the first batch of the Rector’s Honey. This sweet treat has a really interesting history.

Success of our student in the hackathon ADDATHON

Opublikowano: 26/01/2022 9:34 am

Photo of the programmer at the computer

Aleksandra Jamróz from the Smart City Research Association, with the team of PJATK Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, took the second place in the competition organized by Abu Dhabi Digital Authority.

WUT students created a smart energy meter overlay

Opublikowano: 25/01/2022 11:19 am

Photo of the bulb

Students from the Power Engineers Research Association have created a smart energy meter overlay. The device will facilitate responsible and economical consumption of electrical energy.

Remote courses and examinations at WUT

Opublikowano: 25/01/2022 11:03 am

Photo of the student who is sitting and making notes

The pandemic impacts the operation of the Warsaw University of Technology. Pursuant to the Rector’s Decision, in the period from 24 January to 22 February 2022, classes, as well as examinations and other credits at our University will be conducted remotely. 

Ice-skating for a medal in European championships

Opublikowano: 17/01/2022 1:43 pm

Photo of the Polish skaters on the podium of the European championships

The Polish sprint relay team took the third place in European speed skating championships. A member of the team was a WUT student, Marek Kania.

Scientific support for the extension of gardens in European cities

Opublikowano: 17/01/2022 1:38 pm

Photo of the roof garden

An international and interdisciplinary team of researchers from Spain, Poland, Romania and Sweden will promote development of city gardens and agroforestry. The work of Polish scientists is managed by Maciej Lasocki, PhD, Arch., from the WUT Faculty of Architecture.

Modern technology will help in asphalt testing

Opublikowano: 11/01/2022 8:48 am

Photo of the sample during the fatigue test in the four-point bending apparatus

Researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology want to use artificial neural networks (ANN) to predict the properties of materials used for road surfaces. The project is implemented together with the Czech Technical University in Prague.

A WUT student will compete in the Olympics

Opublikowano: 10/01/2022 9:08 am

Photo of Marek Kania from the World Cup tournament

We got it! Marek Kania, a speed skater, who studies at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, has qualified for the world's most prestigious sporting event. In February 2022, we will watch (and support) him during the Beijing Olympics.

Warsaw University of Technology in the QS EECA ranking

Opublikowano: 10/01/2022 8:44 am

Photo of the Main Building

In a ranking of the best academic institutions in emerging Europe and Central Asia, our university came in 14th place.

Let us summarise 2021

Opublikowano: 23/12/2021 1:15 pm

A graphic symbolizing the end of the year

Another 12 months of study and work, the related tasks, goals, challenges and successes are all behind us. How did the Warsaw University of Technology fare in 2021? Let's reminisce together!

Join the JEMARO program at WUT

Opublikowano: 22/12/2021 2:16 pm

Photo of students

Japan-Europe Master on Advanced Robotics enables each of its students to study both in Europe (first year of the studies) and in Japan (second year of the studies). Learn more about the offer.

Artificial intelligence will take care of the safety of officers and inmates

Opublikowano: 21/12/2021 10:15 am

Photo of surveillance cameras

Researchers from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology are working on a tool to detect undesirable behavior among people in pre-trial detention centers and penitentiaries. The solution is to be based on specially designed algorithms for automatic detection and prediction of events.

Peaceful Christmas and happiness in 2022

Opublikowano: 21/12/2021 8:11 am

Christmas card presting people skating in front of the main building

Christmas and New Year wishes

Warsaw University of Technology at the UN Digital Summit - IGF 2021

Opublikowano: 20/12/2021 12:19 pm

Photo of the UN Digital Summit - IGF 2021

From 6 to 10 December 2021, the international Internet community gathered in Katowice during the World Internet Governance Forum (IGF). The event was also attended by representatives of our University.

Admissions to Doctoral Schools for the spring semester 2021/2022

Opublikowano: 20/12/2021 12:14 pm

Photo of students standing in the in the building of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science

The registration takes place from 5 to 17 January

Student ideas for the development of wind energy

Opublikowano: 17/12/2021 9:06 am

Photo of the windmill

WUT students took two top places in the international MEWy 2021 competition. The jurors appreciated the projects of Filip Czeredys, Teodor Sawicki and Katarzyna Połczyńska from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering.

Implants developed by our researchers will accelerate bone regeneration

Opublikowano: 16/12/2021 1:23 pm

A photo of the members of the BoneReg research team

The development of two cancellous bone implants that will accelerate the treatment of patients, among others, with osteoporosis - is the goal of the BoneReg project. It is being carried out by a team of researchers from the Faculty of Chemistry at WUT, and can already boast of successes.