
Business run by our alumni prints visors for a Lublin-based hospital

Opublikowano: 08/04/2020 1:46 pm

One visor is printed in 1.5 to 2 hours; photo: TechOcean

TechOcean is a powerful team of engineers prepared to tackle tough jobs. In these difficult times of struggle with the coronavirus outbreak, providing safety to medical staff is one such job. Set up by alumni of the Warsaw University of Technology, the business has come to aid.

Support from the Warsaw University of Technology

Opublikowano: 07/04/2020 4:53 pm

Learn more about projects pursued by the University community

Information for students, PhD students, and employees regarding COVID-19

Opublikowano: 07/04/2020 4:43 pm

All updates

#WUTprinting The Humanoid Student Research Group give a helping hand to face shield production

Opublikowano: 06/04/2020 10:42 am

Humanoid Student Research Group

Although currently they have no access to their equipment left behind in on the university premises, young robotics and software development wizards have devised a way to put their skills into practice and help others who risk becoming infected with coronavirus doing their job on a daily basis.

#WUTprinting 3D Printing Lab helps hospitals

Opublikowano: 06/04/2020 10:20 am

Special frames for protective visors produced by the scientists and students of the WUT Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering; photo: Rafał Perz

A group of scientists and students affiliated with the WUT Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering have come together to produce medical protective visors to support hospitals across Mazovia on the frontline of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

WUT students look into the coronavirus outbreak and its impact on energy consumption

Opublikowano: 06/04/2020 10:15 am

Diagram showing the impact of the coronavirus case count on energy consumption in Italy; source: ADek Student Research Group’s analysis

They just wanted to learn Python and data analysis. They decided to align their training with the current global epidemic and their interests. Hence, the analysis of the coronavirus outbreak around the world and its impact on energy consumption prepared by the ADek Student Research Group (operating at the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering).

A WUT doctoral student creates a panel for visualizing the coronavirus pandemic

Opublikowano: 03/04/2020 6:37 pm

Panel for visualizing the coronavirus pandemic around the world.

“Fear and ignorance are among the greatest non-health risk factors of this pandemic,” says Mateusz Soliński of the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Physics and the “BioS” Biophysical Measurement Student Research Group, the originator of the solution. “I wanted to improve that a little bit.”

First field tests of the AOS-H2 motor glider

Opublikowano: 20/03/2020 10:31 am

Photo: Wojciech Frączek, MSc, Eng., WUT Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering

Following the successful completion of bench tests, the AOS-H2 hybrid hydrogen motor glider designed at the Warsaw University of Technology is going through field tests. The already completed taxi and run-up tests on the runway at the Jasionka Airport confirmed that all units work correctly.

Warsaw University of Technology ranked in QS by Subject

Opublikowano: 20/03/2020 10:20 am

The Main Building

We have managed to retain our position as the best university in Poland for Engineering & Technology and the third place for Natural Sciences. The rankings for both subjects included 502 universities in 52 countries.

WUT tops the EngiRank

Opublikowano: 20/03/2020 10:16 am

The Main Building

EngiRank, i.e. the European Ranking of Engineering Programs, has been put together by the Perspektywy Education Foundation in partnership with the Foundation for the Development of the Education System – FRSE. This the first release of this listing.

Fantastic performance from our students at Carolo-Cup 2020

Opublikowano: 20/03/2020 10:09 am

This was the third and by far the most successful appearance of our students in Carolo-Cup; photo: Robotics Student Research Group

The second place overall and three runner-up spots in individual events; this is how the Robotics Student Research Group (operating at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering) performed in the Carolo-Cup International Competition at Braunschweig, Germany (February 10–11, 2020).

Letter from the Rector

Opublikowano: 17/03/2020 8:48 am

The Main Building

Please read some words from our Rector.

Coronavirus — FAQ

Opublikowano: 13/03/2020 5:02 pm


Due to the numerous questions concerning appropriate behavior during the period of countering potential infection with coronavirus, we are presenting a list of guidelines on issues related to studying and working at the Warsaw University of Technology.

I am a #Fulbrighter: Anna Zamojska-Dzienio Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng.

Opublikowano: 09/03/2020 9:54 am

Anna Zamojska-Dzienio, Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng.

A researcher of the WUT Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences has won a Fulbright Senior Award 2020–21. Under the scholarship, she will be working on a project entitled “Order in Data Science and Category Theory”.

The WUT-3 Car

Opublikowano: 09/03/2020 8:53 am

The WUT-3 car designed and constructed by the students from the WUT Racing Research Group; photo credit: BPI

The latest design of the WUT Racing team has been shown to the public.

Rector’s Announcement regarding coronavirus disease (COVID-19) [update]

Opublikowano: 27/02/2020 5:40 pm

Important information for students and employees.

“Excellence Initiative – Research University”

Opublikowano: 11/02/2020 1:30 pm

The official WUT opening of the project

Interstudent 2020

Opublikowano: 31/01/2020 4:37 pm

Mikhail Urmich during the Interstudent 2020 award ceremony, photo: BPI

Mikhail Urmich wins a special prize

2019 at the Warsaw University of Technology

Opublikowano: 07/01/2020 3:06 pm

Warsaw University of Technology, photo: BPI

Key highlights of what happened at our University

The VIDO project

Opublikowano: 02/01/2020 9:56 am

Dr inż. Karol Kakarenko. Photo credit: CZiITT, Warsaw University of Technology

Support in diagnostics and treatment of visual impairment

Warsaw University of Technology rewarded at the International Robot Competition Sumo Challenge

Opublikowano: 20/12/2019 11:14 am

Members of the Robotics Student Research Group together with Melson during the Sumo Challenge in Łódź, photo: Robotics Student Research Group

Students from the Robotics Student Research Group at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering won three awards for their humanoid robot Melson.

Support in diagnostics and treatment of visual impairment

Opublikowano: 20/12/2019 11:01 am

“Our solution will enable the creation of custom corrective devices in the future”, says dr inż. Karol Kakarenko. Photo credit: CZiITT, Warsaw University of Technology

Thorough research, automatic selection of correction methods and testing of new solutions without the costly production of trial glass or contact lenses – these are the key advantages of the device being developed by dr inż. Karol Kakarenko from the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology along with his team. The VIDO project aims to support ophthalmologists and patients, as well as to promote the development of scientific and industrial research.

WUT Christmast Eve

Opublikowano: 16/12/2019 10:02 am

The event will take place in the Small Hall of the Main Building on December 17 at 16:30.

Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology, professor Jan Szmidt, together with the Independent Association of Students of WUT and the Academic Catholic Association "Soli Deo" are pleased to invite you to the Christmas Eve.

WUT students built a vehicle for Maks, a disabled boy

Opublikowano: 10/12/2019 2:13 pm

Maks with his parents and the constructors of the e-MaksPower vehicle, photo: WUT

White and blue, 2.4 m long, weighing 110 kilograms, with its useful speed of 30 km/h: meet e-MaksPower, an electrical vehicle. The students of the Warsaw University of Technology have just finished the project. They built a car for Maks – a ten-year-old suffering from muscular dystrophy and a big fan of motoring.

International Festival of Warsaw - Winter Edition 2019

Opublikowano: 08/12/2019 8:00 pm

International Christmas Markets

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