
WUT’s Careers Service website has enriched its website with „Career Center” career platform!

Opublikowano: 27/02/2019 9:00 am

The new platform is also available in mobile version.

Responding to your needs, WUT’s Careers Service has expanded its portal with the "Career Center" career platform. It has been tailored to your individual preferences and expectations, which will help you find the best offers and employers from all over Europe, and will enable you to quickly register for Careers Service events and consult your documents.

Team of the Faculty of Chemistry recognized in the Student-Inventor Competition

Opublikowano: 26/02/2019 1:45 pm

The inventors include Michał Wrzecionek, Agnieszka Gadomska-Gajadhur, Ph.D., Eng., Paweł Ruśkowski, Ph.D., Eng., Monika Budnicka and Prof. Ludwik Synoradzki, Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng.; photo: BPI

A project entitled “Method of Manufacturing a Dynamic Spongy Bone Substitute and Related Solutions” impressed the judging panel of the 9th National Student-Inventor Competition promoted by the Kielce University of Technology.

Carolo Cup International Competition

Opublikowano: 26/02/2019 1:40 pm

This was the second Carolo Cup with the Selfie Team on board; photo: Robotics Student Research Group

Robotics Student Research Group successful in Germany

Times Higher Education European Student Survey is now open

Opublikowano: 22/02/2019 3:00 pm

THE Europe Student Survey

Times Higher Education in association with Streetbees is conducting a survey that will measure your experience as a WUT student.

Tell us what you think – #powiedzPW Student Survey

Opublikowano: 08/02/2019 3:55 pm

The survey’s slogan is "#YourOpinion matters at #YourUniversity"

The Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management (CZIiTT), Research and Analysis Department has launched a new instalment of the #powiedzPW Student Survey. This time students can say what they think about dormitories.

WUT student with the Scientific Award of the President of the Polish Space Agency

Opublikowano: 08/02/2019 10:34 am

PSA competition rewards papers dealing with space engineering

Michał Hałoń won the 1st Degree Award for his master’s thesis entitled "Wykrywanie i rozpoznawanie znaczników na zawody robotów mobilnych European Rover Challenge” [Marker detection and recognition for the mobile robot competition European Rover Challenge].

The Bekker Programme

Opublikowano: 08/02/2019 10:26 am

Bekker Programme gala ceremony will take place at the WUT Faculty of Physics.

Eleven WUT researchers with scholarships

There's no reason to be afraid of true hemp – new blog entry

Opublikowano: 30/01/2019 11:33 am

True hemp seeds are rich in protein and unsaturated fats 3-6-9, photo BPI

In times when we should pay attention not only to the possibilities that various raw materials give us, but also to their impact on the environment, turning to cannabis appears to be a natural choice.

WUT student with the Scientific Award of the President of the Polish Space Agency

Opublikowano: 21/01/2019 3:29 pm

Source: pixabay

The competition rewards papers dealing with space engineering

Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Of Academic Stakeholder Organisations Representing Rectors For Improving University Performance

Opublikowano: 10/01/2019 10:55 am

The project is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland

The project is conducted by the Warsaw University of Technology in cooperation with the national conferences of rectors in Poland (CRASP) and Ukraine (URHEIU) with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland.

Highlights of 2018 at WUT

Opublikowano: 07/01/2019 2:11 pm

Highlights of 2018 at WUT

See what happened at our University

WUT graduate with success at HackYeah

Opublikowano: 02/01/2019 2:29 pm

Team led by Kamil Dzieniszewski, an Automation and Robotics graduate from WUT Faculty of Production Engineering, have won the Health category, photo: K. Dzieniszewski archive

A website and a chatbot developed by a team led by Kamil Dzieniszewski, an Automation and Robotics graduate from the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Production Engineering, have won the Health category.


Opublikowano: 02/01/2019 2:23 pm

Comixify has attracted great interest around the world; photo: Comixify

Learn more about the project

WUT team develops an algorithm to convert videos into comic

Opublikowano: 20/12/2018 11:21 am

Comixify has attracted great interest around the world; photo: Comixify

Comixify automatically selects frames with the most interesting and essential content of an uploaded video and then arranges, fits into picture frames and converts such still images into graphics. This how comic pictures are done.

WUT graduate with success at HackYeah

Opublikowano: 13/12/2018 2:53 pm

Winners of HackYeah Health category, photo: K. Dzieniszewski archive

Learn about the winning concept

Scientists against accidents and dangers on the road

Opublikowano: 04/12/2018 8:36 am

Source: project InDeV

Business - Innovations – Technology

The PW-Sat2 launch

Opublikowano: 23/11/2018 1:01 pm

PW-Sat2 launch fires the imagination of the WUT community

December 3, at 19.32 - the PW-Sat2 - the fourth Polish satellite was launched into Earth orbit onboard the SpaceX Falcon9 rocket.

WUT Christmas Market

Opublikowano: 23/11/2018 12:50 pm

WUT’s Christmas Market 2018

Have a sip of Christmas Eve borscht!

WUT students took second place at Malta Blockchain Summit

Opublikowano: 20/11/2018 12:29 pm

The hardware token, photo by Bartosz Barwikowski

The winners were selected by an esteemed panel of Hackathon judges, including Scott Stornetta, Charles Hokinson, Ilya Smagin, Cataldo Franzone, and Lucas Park. In second place came TPass – the team comprised of students from WUT Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science (Bartosz Barwikowski, Łukasz Skarzyński, Łukasz Berwid, Konrad Daroch).

Visit WUT’s Christmas Market

Opublikowano: 20/11/2018 10:01 am

Visit WUT’s Christmas Market!

Visit this year’s Christmas Market held by the Warsaw University of Technology and find WUT Christmas merchandise, have a sip of Christmas Eve borscht or sign up as a potential Donor with the DKMS Foundation, a blood cancer support charity. And join us in raising money for student scholarships for WUT’s talents!


Opublikowano: 19/11/2018 9:01 am

PW-Sat2 is the fourth Polish satellite

The launch has been postponed

2018 WUT Day

Opublikowano: 14/11/2018 3:29 pm

Photo by Podniebne Nagrywki

Our tradition has it that November 15 is the Warsaw University of Technology Day. All WUT units, students and staff alike, join in common celebration and hold a number of exciting events to mark the occasion. All academic community and all our friends are heartily invited to come and join in.

Improved QS EECA ranking for WUT

Opublikowano: 13/11/2018 3:37 pm

photo: Office for Promotion and Information

The Warsaw University of Technology has been ranked 15th in the Emerging Europe and Central Asia university ranking. This is a four-spot improvement on the last year’s ranking.


Opublikowano: 13/11/2018 3:27 pm

The implementation of the project will last until March 31, 2020

With food safety and climate change at heart.

Our PhD student to compete in European Curling Championships

Opublikowano: 06/11/2018 2:36 pm

Bartosz Dzikowski has been a curling player since 2006; photo: Marlex Team Katowice

The Polish national men’s curling team will compete in Division A, or Europe’s top 10 best national squads for the first time ever. The Warsaw University of Technology is part of this historical event as we have one of us on the team. His name is Bartosz Dzikowski and he is a PhD student at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology.

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