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During the Christmas market we collected PLN 23 620,50!

Opublikowano: 06/12/2017 3:09 pm

Thanks to your generosity, we will be able to finance several scholarships for the most talented students of the Warsaw University of Technology.

WUT is one of the most popular universities among candidates

Opublikowano: 06/12/2017 2:21 pm

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education summarized the recruitment for the academic year 2017/2018. The collected data show that for first cycle full-time studies at WUT 47 116 applications were reported. This is the highest number from all Polish universities.

WUT Masters of Cartography and Printing

Opublikowano: 06/12/2017 12:49 pm

Memorial plaques commemorating professors

Warsaw University of Technology Anniversary Celebrations is an opportunity to reflect back and appreciate those who earned particular merit for their service to the University. Undoubtedly, such distinguished figures include Prof. Felicjan Zygmunt Piątkowski and Prof. Andrzej Roman Makowski. The commemorative plaques celebrating them were unveiled on 16 November 2017.

Read more in the new article in the Buisness – Innovations – Technology series.

Start-up from WUT awarded in "The Diamonds of the Top Industry"

Opublikowano: 05/12/2017 1:49 pm

NanoThea - a spin-off company from the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology was recognized as the start-up of the year in a competition organized by the Executive Club - a networking organization of top management representatives representing the most important Polish and international enterprises.

The Space Exploration Masters Prize for Polish engineers

Opublikowano: 05/12/2017 1:26 pm

The Polish project of an intelligent solar sail concept "Golden Fleece" won the European Space Agency's competition. Students of the Warsaw University of Technology are also involved in the winning project.

Passion for travelling - new blog entry

Opublikowano: 01/12/2017 10:11 am

WUT student set off on a hitchhiking trip to China

WUT among the most prodoctoral universities

Opublikowano: 28/11/2017 2:15 pm

The National Representation of the PhD students announced the results of the 9th edition of the competition for the most prodoctoral university in the country. The Warsaw University of Technology took third place, ex aequo with the Warsaw Medical University.

Christmas market

Opublikowano: 24/11/2017 10:38 am

Christmas market

Fundraising for scholarships for talented WUT students

Volunteering is worth it! - new blog entry

Opublikowano: 21/11/2017 1:34 pm

Stefan Pytel

A volunteer of the Harambee Poland Foundation and a student of the Warsaw University of Technology, Stefan Pytel, and his family have been helping people in Africa for over two years. In 2017, he spent little less than a month in Kenya, renovating buildings among other things.


Opublikowano: 15/11/2017 8:46 am

Main Building

Check event agenda

Being a Sherlock - the amazing skills of a WUT student - new blog entry

Opublikowano: 14/11/2017 2:37 pm

Daniel Chudecki

Daniel Chudecki, a student of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, was shooting for the show called “The Brain. Genialny umysł”. In front of the cameras, he calculated and wrote down on the board the results of three very hard exponentiation operations. How did he do without a computer? You will read in the new text on the blog.

SILO - artificial intelligence in the power sector

Opublikowano: 07/11/2017 12:21 pm

Business. Innovation. Technology

SILO - artificial intelligence in the power sector

Opublikowano: 07/11/2017 11:52 am

Scientists of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, have been working on applications of artificial intelligence in the power sector for 20 years. The product of their efforts, the SILO system, is in use both in Poland and abroad. As the only solution from Poland, the system was exhibited in the “Energy Best Practices Area” pavilion at EXPO 2017 in Kazakhstan.

MSC2017 "Medicina – Scientia – Cultura"

Opublikowano: 31/10/2017 12:05 pm

Medicina - Scientia - Cultura

Outstanding scientists from all over the world, three Polish universities, and the life and achievements of Maria Skłodowska-Curie in the background. On the 150th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Polish Nobel Prize winner, we invite you to the MSC2017 conference - "Medicina - Scientia - Cultura". The conference will take place from 6-8 November 2017.

WUT students took second place in the Valeo competition

Opublikowano: 27/10/2017 3:23 pm

Maksymilian Krajewski, Krystian Rosłon and Mateusz Zaborski

The project idea of Maksymilian Krajewski, Krystian Rosłon and Mateusz Zaborski from the Warsaw University of Technology was recognised by the jury of the Valeo Innovation Challenge 2017. Their invention took second place in the category of "Technological innovation". As the prize WUT students received 10 000 euro.

WUT in QS EECA ranking

Opublikowano: 26/10/2017 10:49 am

The Warsaw University of Technology has been classified in QS EECA ranking on 19th place among the best universities from the developing countries of Europe and Central Asia.

Meetings for foreigners at WUT

Opublikowano: 24/10/2017 11:26 am

Meetings for foreigners at WUT

The Warsaw University of Technology in cooperation with other municipal institutions has started the first edition of the series of the monthly meetings for foreign students of WUT. The aim of the project is to familiarize international students with Polish tradition and customs and make their time in Poland even more enjoyable and profitable.

WUT graduate who captured the brain in an atlas

Opublikowano: 23/10/2017 12:50 pm


Business. Innovation. Technology

WUT graduate who captured the brain in an atlas

Opublikowano: 23/10/2017 12:46 pm


Author of over 500 publications, he has several dozen patent applications and 15 patents granted in the United States and 8 in the European Union to his credit. But his most outstanding accomplishment is 35 brain atlases developed with his team. This is what has earned Prof. Wiesław Nowiński a worldwide renown.

Read more in the new article in the Business – Innovations – Technology series.

WUT in the Times Higher Education Ranking by Subject

Opublikowano: 23/10/2017 11:43 am

The Warsaw University of Technology

The Warsaw University of Technology is the only one Polish university which has been classified in the Times Higher Education Ranking by Subject: engineering and technology. In the group of 500 the best universities from all over the world, WUT has been classified in the group between 401-500.

Trip with a tour guide

Opublikowano: 20/10/2017 12:07 pm

Gmach Główny PW

Explore the Warsaw University of Technology

Harry Potter would study at the Warsaw University of Technology - new blog entry

Opublikowano: 20/10/2017 10:02 am

Warsaw Mermaids Team

The players of Warsaw Mermaids, whose members include four students of the Warsaw University of Technology, practise two times a week, in the evenings. One session lasts around 3 hours and it is always held outdoors, even in winter.

K-dron: an incredible geometric shape

Opublikowano: 17/10/2017 8:48 am


It was small hours of the morning of January 11, 1985 in New York City. The life of Janusz Kapusta, graduate from the Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology, was about to change forever; he had just discovered a new geometric shape. 

Analyze the data and learn more about the city

Opublikowano: 10/10/2017 3:34 pm

Participants of the Hakaton analyzed city data, photo by Przemysław Biecka

What can you do with data taken from official announcements, information about movement of public transport vehicles, data from mobile networks or cameras? This is what preoccupies members of the VaVeL project, financed from the EU program Horizon 2020. The Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science (MiNI) of the Warsaw University of Technology is one of the partners of the project.


Opublikowano: 10/10/2017 12:50 pm

Students during a lesson

MATLAB Day will take place on the last Friday of the month, on October 27 at the Warsaw University of Technology. During the meeting will be presented the possibilities of the MATLAB® and Simulink® programs.