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Fast track to Poland’s Hyperloop

Opublikowano: 28/05/2019 2:52 pm

A Hyperloop mockup; photo: Hyper Poland

An update on the innovative project

EYEC organizers’ notes - new blog entry

Opublikowano: 27/05/2019 10:33 am

Olga, Justyna i Hania, Chemical and Process Engineering Student Research Group and EYEC organizers.

No piece of wisdom goes to waste at the Chemical and Process Engineering Student Research Group (KN IChiP). The accumulated knowledge and experience pass from generation to generation of members. Perhaps, this is the key to the growing popularity of their annual multidisciplinary European Young Engineers Conference. We sat to talk about this event with Olga (Coordinator of the 8th EYEC), Justyna (Social Media Coordinator and Board Member of KN IChiP) and Hania (Logistics Coordinator).

Successful testing for WUT SiMRacing motorcycle

Opublikowano: 15/05/2019 3:36 pm

The WUT SiMRacing Team with their trophies for the second and third places in the Slovak Championship; photo: WUT SiMRacing

The recently won cups are proof that the team of the WUT SiMRacing Student Research Group operating at the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machine Engineering (SiMR) have done a great job on their racing motorcycle.

A WUT-born idea takes the world by storm

Opublikowano: 10/05/2019 3:10 pm

One of the "comixified" videos, photo: comixify.ai

Developed by a team of the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, the Comixify algorithm for converting video to comic is a real hit. The authors have been very busy over the last few months advancing their project and it has already claimed some awards.

Innovative skin cancer detection solution

Opublikowano: 09/05/2019 1:53 pm

Agnieszka Siemion, Ph.D., Eng., and her team will be working on the T-SKIN project until the end of 2021; photo: Andrzej Siemion

A team led by Agnieszka Siemion, Ph.D., Eng., of the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Physics is working on optical systems for a real-time human skin imaging device designed to detect cancer lesions. The T-SKIN project received funding under the LEADER Program managed by the National Centre for Research and Development.

Empower innovation!

Opublikowano: 26/04/2019 4:13 pm

photo: BalticLSC

Scientists, business and technology parks of eight countries along the Baltic shores are working on a project known as BalticLSC (Baltic Large-Scale Computing) to improve the efficient use of high-performance computing. The Warsaw University of Technology is the Consortium Leader.

Black hole

Opublikowano: 16/04/2019 4:50 pm

Black hole image, Event Horizon Telescope

WUT graduate involved in a breakthrough astrophysics project

Two WUT teams to compete in 2019 University Rover Challenge Finals

Opublikowano: 10/04/2019 1:54 pm

The competition is scheduled to run from May 30 through June 1, 2019

High flyers! Excellent performance from our students at SAE Aero Design

Opublikowano: 09/04/2019 4:51 pm

Our students have a track record of success at SAE Aero Design; photo: Facebook / SAE AeroDesign Warsaw

Two first places, one runner-up and three third places are the results achieved by the team of the Warsaw University of Technology in the competition for students engaged in unmanned aerial vehicle design and construction.

How is aircraft for an international competition built? New blog entry

Opublikowano: 08/04/2019 3:26 pm

The SAE AeroDesign Team and a wing of one of the previous years’ aircraft. These models are now used for testing, photo: Office for Promotion and Information

Students of the Warsaw University of Technology went to California but not for holiday. Instead, they were working hard – improving and testing the aircraft they have designed and built over the last few months – to prepare for SAE Aero Design competition. As it turned out, their performance was excellent.

How is graphene holding up at the Warsaw University of Technology?

Opublikowano: 18/03/2019 11:34 am

Warsaw University of Technology has been conducting intensive research on graphene for over 10 years, photo: Office for Promotion and Information

The Warsaw University of Technology is among the few Europe’s scientific centers that not only conduct research into graphene and new two-dimensional materials, but also develop graphene-enabled applications.

Astronautic Student Research Group with a win

Opublikowano: 11/03/2019 9:11 am

PW-Sat2 is the second student satellite built at the Warsaw University of Technology; photo: Facebook / PW-Sat2

Institutions and individuals that push forward the space technology industry in Poland have been honored in the competition “Konstelacje 2018” promoted by the Industrial Development Agency (Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A., or ARP S.A.). The winners included the Astronautic Student Research Group operating at the WUT Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering.

Publications of our researcher in a prestigious journal

Opublikowano: 07/03/2019 9:11 am


Two papers by Marcel Młyńczak, MEng, PhD from the Faculty of Mechatronics at the Warsaw University of Technology, and Hubert Krysztofiak, MD, PhD from the M. Mossakowski Medical Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the National Centre of Sports Medicine, have recently been published in “Frontiers in Physiology” – a leading physiology journal (IF = 3,394).

2nd place for WUT students at Global Legal Hackathon

Opublikowano: 28/02/2019 8:57 am

The winning WUT team at the Global Legal Hackathon Award Ceremony; photo: www.prawo.pl

Composed mainly of students of the Warsaw University of Technology, the DigiDocs Team were runners-up at the Global Legal Hackathon. Poland was represented by 17 teams in the event.

WUT’s Careers Service website has enriched its website with „Career Center” career platform!

Opublikowano: 27/02/2019 9:00 am

The new platform is also available in mobile version.

Responding to your needs, WUT’s Careers Service has expanded its portal with the "Career Center" career platform. It has been tailored to your individual preferences and expectations, which will help you find the best offers and employers from all over Europe, and will enable you to quickly register for Careers Service events and consult your documents.

Team of the Faculty of Chemistry recognized in the Student-Inventor Competition

Opublikowano: 26/02/2019 1:45 pm

The inventors include Michał Wrzecionek, Agnieszka Gadomska-Gajadhur, Ph.D., Eng., Paweł Ruśkowski, Ph.D., Eng., Monika Budnicka and Prof. Ludwik Synoradzki, Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng.; photo: BPI

A project entitled “Method of Manufacturing a Dynamic Spongy Bone Substitute and Related Solutions” impressed the judging panel of the 9th National Student-Inventor Competition promoted by the Kielce University of Technology.

Carolo Cup International Competition

Opublikowano: 26/02/2019 1:40 pm

This was the second Carolo Cup with the Selfie Team on board; photo: Robotics Student Research Group

Robotics Student Research Group successful in Germany

Times Higher Education European Student Survey is now open

Opublikowano: 22/02/2019 3:00 pm

THE Europe Student Survey

Times Higher Education in association with Streetbees is conducting a survey that will measure your experience as a WUT student.

Tell us what you think – #powiedzPW Student Survey

Opublikowano: 08/02/2019 3:55 pm

The survey’s slogan is "#YourOpinion matters at #YourUniversity"

The Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management (CZIiTT), Research and Analysis Department has launched a new instalment of the #powiedzPW Student Survey. This time students can say what they think about dormitories.

WUT student with the Scientific Award of the President of the Polish Space Agency

Opublikowano: 08/02/2019 10:34 am

PSA competition rewards papers dealing with space engineering

Michał Hałoń won the 1st Degree Award for his master’s thesis entitled "Wykrywanie i rozpoznawanie znaczników na zawody robotów mobilnych European Rover Challenge” [Marker detection and recognition for the mobile robot competition European Rover Challenge].

The Bekker Programme

Opublikowano: 08/02/2019 10:26 am

Bekker Programme gala ceremony will take place at the WUT Faculty of Physics.

Eleven WUT researchers with scholarships

There's no reason to be afraid of true hemp – new blog entry

Opublikowano: 30/01/2019 11:33 am

True hemp seeds are rich in protein and unsaturated fats 3-6-9, photo BPI

In times when we should pay attention not only to the possibilities that various raw materials give us, but also to their impact on the environment, turning to cannabis appears to be a natural choice.

WUT student with the Scientific Award of the President of the Polish Space Agency

Opublikowano: 21/01/2019 3:29 pm

Source: pixabay

The competition rewards papers dealing with space engineering

Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Of Academic Stakeholder Organisations Representing Rectors For Improving University Performance

Opublikowano: 10/01/2019 10:55 am

The project is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland

The project is conducted by the Warsaw University of Technology in cooperation with the national conferences of rectors in Poland (CRASP) and Ukraine (URHEIU) with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland.